
Content planning with intention and ease

something different

Published 13 days agoย โ€ขย 2 min read

What if we did things that worked for us in our business instead of what everyone else is doing?

It's a bit of a rhetorical question because that's the advice I usually give.

Comparing to other businesses and trying to replicate their plan and actions, even if they don't help meet our own goals, is overwhelming and won't necessarily lead to success.

You have to do what works for you.

For your business and your life. If you can't attend a bunch of in-person events because your children are little or you find it difficult and draining, don't make that part of your strategy or plan.

If writing blog posts feels like you'd rather be doing anything else, find a different way (outsource it, voice-to-text etc).

I shared an Instagram post recently about how small business owners can't create content like an influencer. You can read it here.

It seemed to connect with people, even if it ruffled a few feathers.

In my free social media webinar, I talk about comparison to other accounts too. (You can watch it here!)

What about me?

I missed the last two weeks of newsletters because I was so busy with client work, freelance deadlines and speaking workshops like at Rally Round (I loved it so much!) that I struggled when it came time to work on my own stuff.

I won't lie - I am honest that newsletter writing for myself (even though I do it for clients all the time), is not my favourite or the easiest task that I do. I think because I LOVE the thought of just chatting with you and sharing, but the two way connection isn't the same.

What if I mix things up? Here's an exclusive that I haven't shared anywhere else yet...

I want to keep emailing you because social media won't always share my stuff and you won't necessarily see it. And maybe that's not where you like to consume content. I know how important newsletters can be.

So I'm going to try something different. I'm going to create a podcast to help offer the tips I want to share in the newsletter. Speaking them seems easier than writing them (again, the irony - I'm a blogger and freelance writer! But biz convos are different).

This way, I can share my tips, you can either listen as a podcast or READ about them here in the newsletter, whichever you want. Some weeks I'll expand on the content or share something new, but you get the idea. I still want to have conversations and share links and other resources in this newsletter.

But I think this is what can (maybe) work for me and my business.


Let me tell you a bit more: Here's the description

Creating content for your business can feel overwhelming. You may not be able to outsource your social media or your content creation, so I'll share tips on how to create with less stress and more intention to help meet your goals. I'll give you action steps to help keep you accountable every week too - all in less than 10 minutes (usually). Because I know you're short on time!


What do you think?

Also, the name comes from the words conTENt and acCOUNTability. Plus the 10 minute goal thing.

Tell me your questions!

Of course, the podcast will only be helpful if it helps YOU.

Reply and let me know any of your top content or action steps to get stuff done questions you have! They may be featured!

Next week, I'll share episode one and how you can subscribe!


ps: If you've been thinking about how you can get more clarity in your content creation, I'm booking a limited number of strategy sessions and content audits between now and the end of June. You can book a FREE chat to learn more here or reply and let me know you want to hear more about this!


Rebecca Stanisic

Content Strategist

Watch or listen to my FREE social media webinarโ€‹

9- 2020 Lanthier Dr Suite 339 , Orleans, ON K4A 3V4
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Content planning with intention and ease

by Rebecca Stanisic - helping small business owners and solopreneurs create and plan their content with less stress

We need to rethink content and social media. Less can be more, when it's done right. If you are stressed out and overwhelmed from content creation I want to help you develop a content strategy that works for you by focusing on message clarity, time-saving steps and intentional content planning.

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