
Content planning with intention and ease

One of the biggest mistakes I make in business

Published 3 months ago • 1 min read

I'll be honest, there have been plenty of mistakes I've made in the 15 years I've been building my business as a content strategist and writer.

Most of them I learn from and move on from, but there's one mistake that I keep making over and over again (although I'm constantly working to NOT make the mistake)

That mistake? Not DOING.

Not taking ACTION.

Just simply not hitting publish, not hitting send, not finishing the thing I want to do, dreaming and then not taking action.

Most of the time, if I finally just DO THE THING, it goes better than I expected, but even if it flopped (and that's happened, trust me) - putting myself out there is still better than not trying at all.

If you think that sounds scary, I get it. That's why 'not doing' is still one of my biggest content mistakes.

Instead of not going Live in front of your audience - just go for it.

Instead of not selling the new product you've been wanting to get out there - tell people it's available!

Instead of not telling the story or creating that new blog post - hit publish or post to your Instagram Stories!

Instead of not sending the email to the business that you think would be a great partner or collaborator fit for your new idea - send that email!

The more you do something, the easier it will be, the more comfortable you will get. While I'm a big fan of consistency, I think it's action that has benefitted me more over the years.

Take any action step this week that you've been talking yourself out of.

That's it. That's your homework.

What ONE action item will you cross off your list this week? Feel free to reply to me and let's chat about what's stopping you from getting it done!

Mine is to write more newsletters and create more free resources to help business owners create their content with less stress. I know it can make an impact!

Chat soon,

~ Rebecca

PS: If you haven't watched or listened to my FREE webinar/podcast about common social media mistakes small business owners make with their social media, that's a great place to start - there are a lot of suggested ACTION items in that webinar! Watch it here, or download the podcast.

Content planning with intention and ease

by Rebecca Stanisic - helping small business owners and solopreneurs create and plan their content with less stress

We need to rethink content and social media. Less can be more, when it's done right. If you are stressed out and overwhelmed from content creation I want to help you develop a content strategy that works for you by focusing on message clarity, time-saving steps and intentional content planning.

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